Saturday, September 27, 2008

what what?!?!?

So. I am hoping to not jinx this. Jacob has been in undies since 8am...minus nap time. He has had 1 accident, and he didn't even wet his diaper at nap...

I AM STOKED! How cool would it be to have only 1 in diapers at a time????

I am not worried about night training him, that'll come when it comes. When he wakes up dry for a few days, I'll try it.

We have been home all day, tomorrow we have a few things to do, and we'll be gone most of the day. I am debating on what to do. I don't know if he'll tell me he's got to go if he's wearing a diaper!

Oh ya...




that's how long i have to get him PTd...and ya know. I am not even stressing it. I never planned on him PT this early...I was thinking NEXT summer!?!?! What a treat!


Robyn said...

Alec is far from ready I think.... Marcus wanted to PT him 12 months ago. :P

It would be awesome if you could get him out of them diapers though!

Sapphire Mommy said...

I'm telling ya, that little boy is going to surprise ya! I'm glad though, you deserve and easy time of it for a change!

The Meyers Family said...

I am so freaking happy you have a blog...why am I just finding out about it?!?! Anyways I am totally going to blog stalk you now. That is awesome about the potty training. Asher is doing really well too but I get lazy sometime and still stick him a pull up every once in a while. Only like 6 more months till we move there!!